What organisations can do to improve employee wellbeing during this pandemic?

employewellbeing leadership productivity Apr 06, 2021
Employee wellbeing in a pandemic

After a year of being hit by COVID-19, more and more organisations have observed a huge decrease in employee wellness and wellbeing. More people struggled with their mental health, majority of employees had a hard time coping with the “new normal”, and people were more stressed about their job and financial status, and health. Companies soon realised that employee wellness has a significant impact in the workplace and a massive a change on how they operate is needed to improve and drive wellbeing.

The focus on employee wellbeing must be intentional and organisations must now, more than ever, develop strategies and plans to address this emerging issue.

According to a recent article from Forbes, here are some ways that may help you and your organisation drive employee wellbeing:

  1. Start with reinforcing and strengthening your Culture
  2. Develop creative solutions and new approaches depending on the needs of your employees
  3. Celebrate and recognise employee contributions
  4. Establish a flexible working arrangement/schedule
  5. Invest on new tools and technology that will support work-life integration
  6. Take note of the little things such as (1) being intentional about meetings (2) maintaining check-ins with your team etc.

As the workplace evolve and transitions to a different era, the approach on employee wellbeing will certainly change.  It’s important to note that not all solutions will fit your organisation and how you drive employee wellness and wellbeing should always be anchored to your culture, values, and strategies.

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